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This function allows you to generate a plot of action potential frequency (y-axis) for each current injection (x-axis), coloured by treatment. The linetype indicates which state the data belong to (a recording taken during the baseline or after a hormone or treatment).


  include_all_treatments = "yes",
  list_of_treatments = NULL,
  plot_category = 2,
  included_sexes = "both",
  male_label = "Male",
  female_label = "Female",
  filename_suffix = "",
  save_plot_png = "no",
  ggplot_theme = patchclampplotteR_theme()



Action potential frequency data imported through add_new_cells() with data_type == "AP_count"


A character ("yes" or "no") specifying if the plot will include data from all treatments. If "no", you must specify a list of treatments in list_of_treatments.


A list of character values describing the treatments that will be in the plot. Defaults to NULL, since include_all_treatments is "yes" by default.


A numeric value specifying the category, which can be used to differentiate different protocol types. In the sample dataset for this package, plot_category == 2 represents experiments where insulin was applied continuously after a 5-minute baseline period.


A character value ("both", "male" or "female"). Useful if you want to have a plot with data from one sex only. Defaults to "both". If you choose a single sex, the resulting plot will have "-males-only" or "-females-only" in the file name. WARNING!! If you choose "male" or "female", you MUST ensure that the t_test_df contains data that has been filtered to only include one sex. Otherwise, the significance stars will represent both sexes and it will be inaccurate.


A character value used to describe how males are encoded in the sex column of the dataframe used in data. Examples include "Males", "Male", "male", "males", "M", etc. Defaults to "Male".


A character value used to describe how females are encoded in the sex column of the dataframe used in data. Examples include "Females", "Female", "female", "females", "F", etc. Defaults to "Female".


A dataframe containing treatment names and their associated colours as hex values. See sample_treatment_names_and_colours for an example of what this dataframe should look like.


Optional character value to add a suffix to the filename of the .png file created with this plot. Could be useful if you have specified a custom list of treatments.


A character ("yes" or "no"). If "yes", the plot will be saved as a .png using ggsave. The filepath depends on the current type, but they will all go in subfolders below Figures/ in your project directory.


The name of a ggplot theme or your custom theme. This will be added as a layer to a ggplot object. The default is patchclampplotteR_theme(), but other valid entries include theme_bw(), theme_classic() or the name of a custom ggplot theme stored as an object.


A ggplot object. If save_plot_png == "yes", it will also generate a .png file in the folder Figures/Action-potentials relative to the project directory.


  data = sample_AP_count_data,
  include_all_treatments = "yes",
  plot_category = 2,
  treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours
#> `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula = 'y ~ x'