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This vignette will demonstrate how to analyze action potential properties using a raw .abf file. You will identify the first current injection that resulted in action potentials and then select the first action potential within this sweep for further analyses.

An image of a current clamp steps recording with the first action potential outlined with a box.

The box outlines the first action potential on the first sweep with action potentials.

You will identify the threshold using the first derivative method. This means that the threshold corresponds to the membrane potential where the action potential velocity is 10 mV/ms or greater (Farries et al., 2010).

Set up data sheet

Before you begin, you should set up a .csv file. I would suggest using a consistent naming scheme that includes the date. I use the YYYYMMDD-title.csv format, such as 20250113-AP-analysis.csv. This makes it easy to identify when I last analyzed my data, and the files sort easily.

In your .csv file, fill row 1 with the following column titles. Notice that all (except for ID are in lowercase.

  • letter The unique letter identifier of a single cell. You can use this to link data from different recordings taken from the same cell.
  • state A character value. In this example, the values are Baseline and Insulin, indicating a current clamp protocol taken after the cell had been exposed to 500 nM insulin for 25 minutes.
  • time_of_threshold A numerical value (in ms) used to determine properties like the latency to fire.
  • t_x The membrane potential at the moment that an action potential is initiated, also known as the threshold.
  • t11 The derivative of the trace you are analyzing. Must be 10 mV/ms or greater to properly identify the threshold.
  • ID A character value indicating the recording number. This corresponds to the File Name column that is automatically generated in the Results sheet in Clampfit.
  • first_sweep_with_APs A number representing the earliest sweep number where action potentials first appeared.
  • trace_start This is an automatic value calculated by Clampfit, and it corresponds to the sweep number. It is not used in any analyses, but it will automatically be included in the Results sheet in Clampfit. It’s faster to just copy all the data rather than try to exclude this value.
  • peak_amplitude The membrane potential (in mV) during maximum depolarization.
  • time_to_peak The time of the peak amplitude (in ms), which should also be relative to the time_of_threshold if you have repositioned Cursor 1 to the time_of_threshold.
  • antipeak_amplitude The afterhyperpolarization amplitude (in mV)
  • time_of_antipeak The time of the after-hyperpolarization (in ms), which should be relative to the time_of_threshold.
  • half_width The width of the action potential when the membrane potential is half of the peak_amplitude.
  • ap_notes An optional column where you can note any unusual or interesting things about the recording, or flag a nice-looking recording for use in a paper.
Download sample-blank-ap-parameter-data.csv

An image of an action potential with labels indicating properties such as the peak amplitude, half-width, after-hyperpolarization, and latency to fire.

Get derivative

  1. Open the .abf file containing the current clamp step protocol in Clampfit. Ensure that the x-axis shows time in milliseconds. If it shows seconds, double-click the x-axis, and change the Elapsed Time from Automatic to Milliseconds.

Warning! The y-axis values should generally be around -70 mV during the flat regions outside of the current injection. Sometimes the scaling factor in Clampfit is distorted (for unknown reasons) and the y-axis may be in the thousands range. If this happens, follow step 1b).

1b. If the y-axis scale is off (see the warning box above), double-click on the y-axis to open the Modify Signal Parameters box. Change the V/pA ratio to 0.01, and click “OK”. This will re-scale the y-axis to the correct units relative to the current injections. Double-check that the x-axis is in milliseconds!

A screenshot of a dialog box in Clampfit with an option to change the V/pA ratio to 0.01.

Sometimes the V/pA ratio is altered, so you may need to change it to 0.01.

  1. Press the “Enter” key to show just one sweep at a time. It will begin at the sweep corresponding to the lowest current injection. Use greater than symbol (>) to cycle up through the sweeps.

  2. Move up to sweeps corresponding to higher current injections until you identify the first sweep that contains an action potential. I will call this t_x, since it may be t5 in one recording, or t6 in another, etc.

  3. Position Cursors 1 and 2 around the first action potential in t_x. Cursor 1 should be before the threshold (aim for the area before the slope of the curve increases steeply). Cursor 2 should be in the after-hyperpolarization region.

A screenshot of an action potential with a green dot indicating the position of cursor 1. Cursor 1 should be at the middle portion of the curve, not the beginning of the curve (too early) or near the peak (too late).

The ideal placement of Cursor 1 should be in the middle of the curve. Left: Cursor 1 is placed where the curve is very steep, and it is likely that you will miss the threshold. Middle: Cursor 1 is very low, so Clampfit may identify this as the after-hyperpolarization. Right: This is the ideal spot, where the cursor is early enough to capture the threshold in the search region.

Warning! It is important that Cursor 2 touches the curve at a value that is lower than the voltage value for Cursor 1. If Cursor 1 is lower, then Clampfit may identify the location at Cursor 1 as the after-hyperpolarization region if you forget to move the cursor to the threshold (see step 11).

A screenshot of Clampfit showing cursors positioned around the first action potential. The first cursor is located at a point with a y-axis value that is greater than Cursor 2.

  1. Click on the arithmetic button (it is the button with basic math symbols), then Add Traces. Write “1” and click OK. This will add a new empty trace, called t11.

  2. t11 should be the derivative of t_x. In the Expression box, write t11=diff(t6) (replace t6 with your value for t_x).

A screenshot of the Arithmetic box of Clampfit showing the formula t11=diff(t6) inserted into the expression field.

Find threshold

  1. Click on Edit -> Transfer Traces and set the Region to transfer as Cursors 1..2. In the Trace Selection category, choose only Vm_primary () as the signal. Select t_x and t11 for the traces, then click OK.

  2. Click on the Results sheet (Window -> Results1). The Results page will display three columns: Time (ms), Trace #6 (or #5, #7, etc.), and Trace #11. Trace #x is the membrane potential in mV, and Trace #11 is the derivative of Trace #x.

Warning! The Results page of the transferred traces does not delete data between files. If you are doing several analyses in one session, ensure that you are looking at the correct columns corresponding to the active recording.

Note If you recently opened a results file in Clampfit, it will automatically overwrite the contents of Sheet 14, and you will not see the transferred traces. If you don’t see any results, you may need to close and re-open Clampfit.

  1. Scroll down the Trace #11 column (the derivative column) until you see a series of positive values with increasing magnitude (e.g. > 100 or more). This is where the derivative is increasing. Select the first value within this series that is greater than or equal to 10 mV/ms. Copy the value of all three columns in this row.

Note There may be isolated peaks within the derivative that are greater than 10 mV/ms. Only select this value if it is part of a series of increasingly larger positive values, followed by a series of negative values.

  1. If the scaling is correct, the threshold (t_x) should be around -30 mV for a healthy cell. Your .csv file should now look like this:

Measure action potential properties

  1. Double-click on Cursor 1 and change its x-position value (time) to match the time_of_threshold.
A screenshot of Clampfit showing cursors positioned around the first action potential. The first cursor is now located at the x-value where the membrane potential is equal to the threshold.

Note how Cursor 1 is shifted to the right relative to the earlier cursor image. It is now located at the x-value where the membrane potential crosses the threshold.

Warning! If you do not reposition Cursor 1 to be at the time of threshold, the values for time_of_peak and time_of_antipeak will be incorrect!

  1. Click on the Statistics button (a small icon with a summation symbol on top of it) or press Alt+s.

  2. Set the following settings:

  • Trace Selection: Choose Vm_primary (). t_x and t11 will automatically be selected.
  • Peak Polarity: Vm_primary, Positive-going
  • Baseline Region: Fixed at [paste in the threshold value (column t_x in your sheet) here]
  • Search Region 1: Range: Cursors 1..2
  • Destination Option: Replace results in sheet (prevents you from accidentally copying old data
  • Column Order: Measurement, Region, Signal
  • Measurements: peak_amplitude, time of peak, antipeak amplitude, time of antipeak, half-width

Click OK and then Window -> Results1 to see the Results page.

A screenshot of the Statistics box of Clampfit showing the correct options to select.

  1. Go to the row corresponding to Trace t_x. Select all data except for the File Path column (unless you think you will need it later) and paste it into the .csv file. You’ll notice that the .csv column names are different than the column names in the Results sheet. I changed these column names to make them easier to use in R code.

  2. Your .csv file should now look like this.

  1. While you still have this file open, you may want to count action potentials (see the section on counting action potentials below). Or, you could wait and do these separately, which you might find more efficient.

  2. A completed dataset should look something like the spreadsheet below.

Note If there are no action potentials in the later recording, insert the values for the columns letter and state and leave all the others blank.

  1. You are now ready to import your data into R! Use the add_new_cells() function with data_type = "AP_parameter". You may find it helpful to read the Get Started guide if you are setting up your data for the first time.

  2. Use the plot_AP_comparison() function to see how parameters like peak_amplitude and half-width change after your treatment.

A plot of peak amplitude in pico amps versus state (baseline or insulin). The data are coloured according to state, where baseline points are gray and insulin points are purple. Insulin decreased action potential amplitude.

Count action potentials

The next step is to count the number of action potentials in each sweep. This will allow you to later make a plot of action potential frequency vs. current injection and see how a treatment affect action potential frequency.

  1. Create a separate .csv file (for example 20250113-AP-count-data.csv). This file should have four columns:
  • letter The unique letter identifier of a single cell.
  • state A character value (“Baseline” or “Insulin” in this example)
  • sweep A number from 1 to 10 (see step 18a to generate this)
  • no_of_APs a numerical value indicating the number of action potentials

18a. To generate a repeated sequence from 1-10 quickly, type the number 1 in cell C2. Then, type the number 2 in cell C3.

18b. Select C2 and C3 together, then hover your mouse over the bottom right corner of the group until you see a small black plus symbol.

A screenshot of Excel with two cells selected. A plus symbol is present on the bottom right corner of the selection.

18c. Click and hold down the mouse key and drag the selection down to C11 to generate a sequence from 1 to 10.

18d. The entire range from C2 to C11 should be selected. Move your mouse to the bottom right corner of the cell until you see the + symbol again. Hold down the Ctrl key and drag this selection down. This will generate the sequence from 1-10 repeatedly (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3…)

18e. You can then copy and paste this range repeatedly to fill your column.

  1. Open a current clamp steps recording in Clampfit (you may be coming directly from step 16 when you measured action potential properties).

  2. Press the Enter key to view one sweep at a time, and use < and > to cycle through the sweeps. Count the number of action potentials in each sweep, and record them in the no_of_APs column.

Yes, this step may seem super simple, but that’s because it is - look at each sweep and count the number of action potentials present!

20b. Tip! If there are no action potentials in a sweep, leave the cell in your Excel sheet blank. After you have finished collecting data from many cells, you can automatically fill blank cells with 0.

20c. Select the no_of_APs column. Then, click on Home -> Editing -> Find and Select -> Go to Special and then choose Blanks.

20d. All of the blank cells should be selected. Type the number 0, and then press Ctrl + Enter or Cmd + Enter on a Mac. All blank values should be filled with 0s now.

  1. Here is an example of what one recording could look like:
  1. You are now ready to import the data into R! Use add_new_cells() with data_type == "AP_count".

  2. Here is an example of the type of plots you can create!

## Warning: Removed 4 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_text()`).

A plot of Action Potential Frequency in Hz versus current injection on the x-axis. The data are coloured gray for baseline data and purple for insulin data. The plot is showing that action potential frequency was lower after adding insulin.

A smoothed line plot showing action potential frequency in Hz versus current injection in picoamps for four different treatments at two states (baseline vs. insulin). Overall, insulin decreased action potential frequency in all treatments.

Plotting Sweeps

You can plot action potential recordings using plot_AP_traces(). Use a dataframe generated using import_ABF_file() with recording_mode = "current_clamp". You can then plot all sweeps using sweeps = as.character(unique(sample_ap_abf_baseline$episode)). Just replace sample_ap_abf_baseline with the dataframe that you inserted into the data argument. Set colour_scale_option to one of three options: “viridis”, “custom” or “single_colour”.


“viridis” enables the beautiful colourblind-friendly viridis palettes from the viridis package. Look at the documentation for scale_color_viridis to learn about options you can use. These include begin, option, theme and more.

A plot of current clamp steps where each sweep is coloured a different colour

Custom scale

If you use colour_scale_option = "custom" you must define a list of character values (can be hex values or named colours) in the custom_scale_colours argument.

Single colour


What do I do if there are no action potentials following treatment?

Do not discard this cell; this is important and meaningful data! Fill in only the letter and state, and leave all other columns blank. R will fill this with NA values, since there are no action potential properties to measure. However, for your AP count data, please just indicate 0 for all current injections.

What do I do if there are action potentials outside of the time when a current injection was applied?

A screenshot of a recording in Clampfit showing action potentials present outside of the range where a current injection was applied.

This can happen with very excitable cells. Only count the action potentials that occurred within the injection period.

Should I count an action potential that looks very wavy?

A screenshot of a recording in Clampfit showing wavy action potentials. Valid action potentials are indicated with check marks

Only include the action potential if it clearly crosses the threshold, comes to a sharp peak, and has an after-hyperpolarization period.


Farries, M. A., Kita, H., & Wilson, C. J. (2010). Dynamic Spike Threshold and Zero Membrane Slope Conductance Shape the Response of Subthalamic Neurons to Cortical Input. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(39), 13180–13191.