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How to use patchclampplotteR

patchclampplotteR will help you analyze and plot your patch clamp data efficiently. This vignette will walk you through the complete process of transforming raw data into publication-quality plots!

Install and load package

You can install the development version of patchclampplotteR from GitHub. Only do this once per computer, or if there’s a major update.


And then load the package each time you want to use it:

About the data

This dataset consists of whole-cell patch clamp recordings of neurons within the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH), a brain region critical for appetite regulation, stress responses and other processes. I recorded evoked excitatory post-synaptic currents for five minutes under baseline conditions, then added 500 nM insulin to the perfusion solution, and I continued recording for 25 minutes.

My goal is to determine if insulin affects evoked current amplitude in DMH neurons.

Analyze data in Clampfit

Please see the vignettes in the Articles page to learn about how to analyze data in Clampfit. These include Evoked Current Analysis and Action Potential Analysis.

Import raw .csv files

Cell Characteristics

First, I must import a .csv file containing information about factors such as the animal’s age and sex, the cell ID number, and other details. Please see the Required columns section of the documentation for import_cell_characteristics_df() for explanations of the required columns and what they include.

Note: Since this vignette is included within an R package, the following code requires the function import_ext_data() to properly locate the .csv file in the package folder. This won’t be required when you are using the package within your own project folder.

You can just write the path to the filename directly within import_cell_characteristics_df(). For example, you should write import_cell_characteristics_df("Data/cell_info.csv") to use cell_info.csv located within the Data/ folder.

cell_characteristics <- import_cell_characteristics_df(import_ext_data("sample_cell_characteristics.csv"))


Raw evoked current data

Next, I will import the raw evoked current data that has been copied over from Clampfit (again, please see the Evoked Current Analysis vignette for more details. This is a .csv file containing four columns: letter, ID, P1 and P2:

  • letter: A unique identifier for a single recording, which allows you to link evoked current data, spontaneous current data, action potential, data, and information on cell characteristics.

  • ID: The name of the .abf filename used to obtain the data, which is useful for verifying the recordings and cross-referencing to your lab book.

  • P1: The amplitude of the first evoked current (pA).

  • P2: The amplitude of the second evoked current (pA).

Don’t worry too much about capitalizing the column names or not. add_new_cells() will automatically convert all column names to lowercase for consistency across functions. Capitalized letters will be retained for columns like ID, X, Y, P1, and P2.

sample_eEPSC_data <- read.csv(import_ext_data("sample_new_eEPSC_data.csv"))


Add new cells

The next step is to merge the raw evoked current data with the cell characteristics data. add_new_cells() will merge these two datasets, using letter as the common column. This function requires three .csv files:

  • The new raw data
  • The cell characteristics
  • An existing .csv with raw data that has been previously imported. As your project goes on, you will eventually be appending new data onto your existing datasheet, but if you are starting completely fresh, use a blank .csv file containing just the required column names.

WARNING!! If you are starting with a blank .csv file containing only the column names, you MUST type a character value in the letter column (typically, cell A2 if you are using Excel). This is so that R will recognize the letter column as a character value. Use a character that won’t be confused with a true letter value in the dataset (e.g. “blank”).

blank_csv <- read.csv(import_ext_data("empty_eEPSC_sheet.csv"))

Use the add_new_cells() function, and carefully read the warning messages.

first_time_df <- add_new_cells(
  new_raw_data_csv = import_ext_data("sample_new_eEPSC_data.csv"),
  cell_characteristics_csv = import_ext_data("sample_cell_characteristics.csv"),
  old_raw_data_csv = import_ext_data("empty_eEPSC_sheet.csv"),
  current_type = "eEPSC",
  write_new_csv = "no",
  new_file_name = "",
  decimal_places = 2
#> Warning in add_new_cells(new_raw_data_csv =
#> import_ext_data("sample_new_eEPSC_data.csv"), : Renamed dataframe columns to
#> lowercase
#> Letter check passed: All letters are present in both "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/patchclampplotteR/extdata/sample_cell_characteristics.csv" 
#> and "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/patchclampplotteR/extdata/sample_new_eEPSC_data.csv".
#> The matching cells are:
#> AV
#> Duplication check passed: All letters in "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/patchclampplotteR/extdata/sample_new_eEPSC_data.csv" are new relative to "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/patchclampplotteR/extdata/empty_eEPSC_sheet.csv"
#> Adding the new following new cells:
#> AV

Check output messages

add_new_cells() produces several warnings and messages. One warning lets you know you know that the column names have been renamed to lowercase. This is to avoid case-sensitive issues from appearing in later functions.

The first message generated with add_new_cells() indicate that the sample_cell_characteristics.csv and sample_new_eEPSC_data.csv have the same cells. This is useful to catch if you forget to add the cell characteristics for the new data.

The second message indicates that all letters in the new data are new relative to the existing dataset. This ensures that you don’t accidentally paste in the same data twice, resulting in duplicated data.

The final message prints a list of the letters that have been added to the dataset. In this case, this is AV. It is a good way to confirm that you’ve added the letters you were planning to add.

You can also ask R to produce a list of all of the unique letters in the dataset. This won’t catch duplicates, but it can help you identify if a letter is completely missing from the dataset. See, AV is now included!

However, you can also see that the placeholder “blank” is still present.

#> [1] "blank" "AV"

Use the following code to remove the blank first line.

NOTE: Only do this ONCE at the start of a new project, when you are adding data to a blank .csv file. After you have a datasheet established, you won’t need to do this.

# Remove first "blank" row
first_time_df <- tail(first_time_df, -1)

# Re-number rows starting from 1
rownames(first_time_df) <- 1:nrow(first_time_df)

# Double-check that only true letters are present
#> [1] "AV"

Write the resulting, cleaned dataframe to a .csv file in your Data/ folder.

                 row.names = F)

This is an example of what the full few rows look like now:

head(first_time_df, n = 8) %>%

As you collect more data, change the value of old_raw_data_csv from the empty sheet to your existing raw data sheet. This function will automatically append new data onto your existing sheet and save it to a new .csv file (defined by new_file_name). I am saving it to the Data/ subfolder.

raw_eEPSC_data <- add_new_cells(
  new_raw_data_csv = import_ext_data("sample_new_eEPSC_data.csv"),
  cell_characteristics_csv = import_ext_data("sample_cell_characteristics.csv"),
  old_raw_data_csv = import_ext_data("empty_raw_eEPSC_datasheet.csv"),
  current_type = "eEPSC",
  write_new_csv = "no",
  new_file_name = "Data/20241118-Raw-eEPSC-Data.csv",
  decimal_places = 2

Explore your data

Let’s look at an example of a full dataset. This is the sample raw evoked current dataset included in the package. To reduce the vignette size, I am printing just the first 20 rows. The full dataset contains > 5680 rows!)

raw_eEPSC_df <- sample_raw_eEPSC_df

head(raw_eEPSC_df, n = 20) %>% 

You can use dplyr functions to quickly explore your data. Here’s just one example of a quick and useful analysis:

Count number of cells per sex and treatment

Quick Tip: Want to know how many experiments you still need to do? Run this line of code on the raw data. Here, I filtered the data to category 2 only (experiments where I added insulin) and grouped by treatment. I then counted the number of cells per sex.

raw_eEPSC_df %>%
  filter(category == 2) %>%
  filter(time == 0) %>%
  group_by(treatment) %>%
  count(sex) %>%
  arrange(treatment, sex)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 3
#> # Groups:   treatment [4]
#>   treatment     sex        n
#>   <fct>         <fct>  <int>
#> 1 Control       Female     1
#> 2 Control       Male       3
#> 3 HNMPA         Female     2
#> 4 HNMPA         Male       3
#> 5 PPP           Female     3
#> 6 PPP           Male       2
#> 7 PPP_and_HNMPA Female     1
#> 8 PPP_and_HNMPA Male       4

Define your colour theme

In this package, you only need to specify your treatment groups and colours once. You can later refer to this dataframe in treatment_colour_theme arguments for all of your plotting functions. The package is loaded with a sample dataframe to help you get started:


colours and very_pale_colours are specified as hex codes or named R colours. The only difference between treatment and display_names is that the display_names are re-written to look attractive in plots and tables.

First, check out how many treatment groups you have using unique(raw_eEPSC_df$treatment).

#> [1] Control       HNMPA         PPP           PPP_and_HNMPA
#> Levels: Control HNMPA PPP PPP_and_HNMPA

Next, modify this code to set up your own dataframe with your treatment names and colours.

theme_colours <- data.frame(
  treatment = c("Control", "HNMPA", "PPP", "PPP_and_HNMPA"),
  display_names = c("Control", "HNMPA", "PPP", "PPPandHNMPA"),
  colours = c("#440154", "#2D708E", "#55C667", "#DCE319"),
  very_pale_colours = c("#6A5897C", "#5B91B8", "lightgreen", "yellow")

Every time a plot contains the argument treatment_colour_theme, refer to your custom dataframe.

Analyze current amplitude

After you have finished a brief exploration of your data, it is time to analyze it!

Step 1: Normalize currents

The first step is to normalize the current amplitudes within each recording relative to the average current amplitude during the baseline period. This makes it easier to compare across cells that have a wide range of starting amplitudes, since all baseline values will be converted to (roughly) 100%.

Note how I set the minimum and maximum time values. This will limit the data to values between 0 min and 25 minutes.

I set the interval_length to 5 because I wanted to divide my data into 5-minute intervals for later statistical analyses.

The baseline period (baseline_length) lasted 5 minutes. Clampfit recorded the current amplitude as negative values, so I set negative_transform_currents to “yes” which will flip the current amplitudes to positive values.

raw_eEPSC_df <- make_normalized_EPSC_data(
  filename = import_ext_data("sample_eEPSC_data.csv"),
  current_type = "eEPSC",
  min_time_value = 0,
  max_time_value = 25,
  interval_length = 5,
  baseline_length = 5,
  negative_transform_currents = "yes"

make_normalized_EPSC_data() will retain the cell characteristics and P1 and P2 values from before. However, you will notice some changes.

If you set negative_transform to “yes”, P1 and P2 will be multiplied by -1. This is to “flip” current amplitude data that was recorded as negative values in Clampfit. Since the data are evoked current data (current_type = "eEPSC"), some new columns are added. They are:

  • PPR: The paired-pulse ratio, which is the amplitude of the second evoked current divided by the first evoked current (PPR = P2/P1).

  • interval: The interval that the data belongs to. I set the interval_length to 5, which means the data will be divided into 5-minute intervals. The intervals will have names like “t0to5”, “t5to10”, and so on up until the maximum interval.

  • baseline_range: You probably won’t interact with this much, but this is just a column stating “TRUE” if the time is within the baseline period, or “FALSE” if the time is outside of this range. This is required for the normalization function to identify which values are outside of the baseline (and should be transformed).

  • baseline_mean: This is one number that represents the average evoked current amplitude during the baseline period. This value is different for each recording.

  • P1_transformed: The first evoked current amplitude, normalized relative to the mean baseline amplitude. For example, if the mean baseline amplitude is 80 pA and a P1 value is 40 pA, P1_transformed will be 50%.

  • P2_transformed: The second evoked current amplitude, normalized relative to the mean baseline amplitude of the first evoked current.

Plot raw data

Let’s see what the raw values look like over time!

plot_raw_current_data() will generate a scatterplot of evoked current amplitude (pA) over time (min) for all cells within the treatment and category that you specify. Behind the scenes, this really runs a loop over each letter, generating a ggplot object for each recording.

Please see the documentation for plot_raw_current_data() to learn about the arguments in more detail.

raw_eEPSC_control_plots <- plot_raw_current_data(
  data = raw_eEPSC_df,
  plot_treatment = "Control",
  plot_category = 2,
  current_type = "eEPSC",
  parameter = "P1",
  pruned = "no",
  hormone_added = "Insulin",
  hormone_or_HFS_start_time = 5,
  theme_options = sample_theme_options,
  treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours

plot_raw_current_data() will return a list of ggplot objects. If you want to observe just one specific plot, you can select it by letter.


Step 2: Prune data

It is often useful to summarize the data per minute. If you are familiar with GraphPad Prism’s “prune rows” function, make_pruned_EPSC_data() will perform the same function.

In this vignette, I’ll use the example of pruning data per minute because this is what is typically used in the Crosby lab. You can change this value by changing the interval_length to something other than 1.

pruned_eEPSC_df <- make_pruned_EPSC_data(
  data = raw_eEPSC_df,
  current_type = "eEPSC",
  min_time_value = 0,
  max_time_value = 25,
  baseline_length = 5,
  interval_length = 1

This function will return a list of three dataframes. To access each list, type the object name, followed by a dollar sign. For example, write pruned_eEPSC_df$individual_cells to access the first dataframe in the list.

The three dataframes are:

  • $individual_cells: This dataframe has the same structure as the raw evoked current data, except the data have been pruned per minute. New columns include mean_P1 and sd_P1, and there are some other columns for variance analysis (please see the documentation for make_pruned_EPSC_data() for more details).

  • $for_table: This dataframe has only two columns: letter and P1_transformed where the pruned P1 values have been collapsed into a list. This is used to create a sparkline in make_interactive_summary_table().

  • $all_cells: This dataframe contains data that have been grouped by treatment and sex. In this dataframe, the data have been summarized and collapsed into one datapoint per minute for all cells per minute for a specific sex. This is useful for creating summary plots for publication (e.g. plot_summary_current_data()) and for future statistical testing to compare groups.

Plot pruned data

You can use the same plot_raw_current_data() to plot the pruned data. You will need to make changes to the following arguments:

  • data: Refer to the third element of the list produced from make_pruned_EPSC_data(). This is $individual_cells.
  • parameter: Change this to “mean_P1”.
  • pruned: Change this to “yes”
pruned_eEPSC_control_plots <- plot_raw_current_data(
  data = sample_pruned_eEPSC_df$individual_cells,
  plot_treatment = "Control",
  plot_category = 2,
  current_type = "eEPSC",
  parameter = "mean_P1",
  pruned = "yes",
  hormone_added = "Insulin",
  hormone_or_HFS_start_time = 5,
  theme_options = sample_theme_options,
  treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours
See how this is the same as the raw data plot, except for it is pruned per minute?

See how this is the same as the raw data plot, except for it is pruned per minute?

The pruned data from all cells within a specific treatment and sex ($all_cells) will enable you to make a summary plot using plot_summary_current_data().

Notice how data is now sample_pruned_eEPSC_df$all_cells, and parameter is “amplitude”. There are lots of customization opportunities when plotting summary data, including adding a representative trace as a .png overlay! You can read more about in the documentation for plot_summary_current_data().

  plot_category = 2,
  plot_treatment = "Control",
  data = sample_pruned_eEPSC_df$all_cells,
  current_type = "eEPSC",
  parameter = "amplitude",
  include_representative_trace = "yes",
  representative_trace_filename = "test.png",
  y_axis_limit = 175,
  signif_stars = "yes",
  t_test_df = sample_eEPSC_t_test_df,
  hormone_added = "Insulin",
  large_axis_text = "no",
  shade_intervals = "no",
  hormone_or_HFS_start_time = 5,
  treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours,
  theme_options = sample_theme_options
#> Warning in plot_summary_current_data(plot_category = 2, plot_treatment = "Control", : The file test.png does not exist.
#> Are you sure that you specified the correct filename?
#> Did you forget to add .png to the end of your filename?
#> Did you forget to include the subfolder (if required) in the filename? (e.g. "Data/file.png" for something in the Data/ folder)
#>         Plotting without a representative trace.
#> Warning: Removed 25 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_segment()`).

Step 3: Summarize data

The next step is to group the data by treatment by sex and obtain summary data. This dataset groups the data into intervals and generates summary statistics (like mean and standard error) for each point. The interval length was already specified during the make_normalized_EPSC_data() function from earlier.

summary_eEPSC_df <- make_summary_EPSC_data(
  data = sample_raw_eEPSC_df,
  current_type = "eEPSC",
  save_output_as_RDS = "no"

head(summary_eEPSC_df, n = 30) %>% 

Analyze the paired-pulse ratio

Create PPR dataset

The function make_PPR_data() is actually just a filtering function that will limit the raw evoked current data to two specific intervals. These represent the “before” (baseline_interval) and “after” (post_hormone_interval) states. You can also choose to limit the PPR values to a certain range to exclude outliers.

PPR_df <- make_PPR_data(
  data = raw_eEPSC_df,
  include_all_treatments = "yes",
  list_of_treatments = NULL,
  PPR_min = 0,
  PPR_max = 5,
  baseline_interval = "t0to5",
  post_hormone_interval = "t20to25",
  treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours

head(PPR_df, n = 10) %>% 

Plot PPR data

For a specific treatment:

  data = PPR_df,
  plot_treatment = "Control",
  plot_category = 2,
  baseline_label = "Baseline",
  post_hormone_label = "Insulin",
  large_axis_text = "no",
  treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours,
  theme_options = sample_theme_options,
  save_plot_png = "no"
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_segment()`).

For multiple treatments:

  data = PPR_df,
  include_all_treatments = "yes",
  plot_category = 2,
  baseline_label = "B",
  post_hormone_label = "I",
  theme_options = sample_theme_options,
  treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours

Variance analysis

We can use variance measures like the coefficient of variation and the variance-to-mean ratio (VMR) to help determine if a mechanism is presynaptic or post-synaptic (see van Huijstee & Kessels, 2020 for more details). This package contains functions such as make_variance_data() and plot_variance_comparison_data() to allow you to perform variance analysis quickly from summary evoked current data (e.g. data generated from make_summary_EPSC_data()).

Create variance dataset

variance_df <- make_variance_data(
  data = summary_eEPSC_df,
  df_category = 2,
  include_all_treatments = "yes",
  list_of_treatments = NULL,
  baseline_interval = "t0to5",
  post_hormone_interval = "t20to25",
  treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours,
  save_output_as_RDS = "no"


Plot variance comparisons

You can create plots comparing the inverse coefficient of variation squared, and the variance-to-mean ratio.

cv_comparison_control_plot <- plot_variance_comparison_data(
  data = variance_df,
  plot_category = 2,
  plot_treatment = "Control",
  variance_measure = "cv",
  baseline_interval = "t0to5",
  post_hormone_interval = "t20to25",
  post_hormone_label = "Insulin",
  large_axis_text = "no",
  treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours,
  theme_options = sample_theme_options

vmr_comparison_control_plot <- plot_variance_comparison_data(
  data = variance_df,
  plot_category = 2,
  plot_treatment = "Control",
  variance_measure = "VMR",
  baseline_interval = "t0to5",
  post_hormone_interval = "t20to25",
  post_hormone_label = "Insulin",
  large_axis_text = "no",
  treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours,
  theme_options = sample_theme_options



Compare baseline parameters

  data = summary_eEPSC_df,
  current_type = "eEPSC",
  parameter = "raw_amplitude",
  include_all_treatments = "yes",
  list_of_treatments = NULL,
  baseline_interval = "t0to5",
  large_axis_text = "no",
  plot_width = 8,
  treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours,
  theme_options = sample_theme_options,
  save_plot_png = "no"
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_segment()`).