Make paired-pulse ratio (PPR) dataframe for before vs. after comparisons
This function filters the raw current data into data that belong to one of two time points. They are the baseline period and a user-specified interval after a hormone or protocol has been applied. The "before/after" comparison of the paired-pulse ratio (PPR) is useful to determine which mechanism is involved in modifying synaptic plasticity. For example, the PPR may be related to the probability of neurotransmitter release Oleskevich et al., 2000.
include_all_treatments = "yes",
list_of_treatments = NULL,
PPR_min = 0,
PPR_max = 5,
baseline_interval = "t0to5",
post_hormone_interval = "t20to25",
save_output_as_RDS = "no"
- data
A dataframe containing the raw evoked current data generated from
.- include_all_treatments
A character ("yes" or "no") specifying if the plot will include data from all treatments. If "no", you must specify a list of treatments in
.- list_of_treatments
A list of character values describing the treatments that will be in the plot. Defaults to NULL, since include_all_treatments is "yes" by default.
- PPR_min
A numeric value representing the minimum PPR value permitted in the filtered dataset. Defaults to 0.
- PPR_max
A numeric value representing the maximum PPR value permitted in the filtered dataset. Defaults to 5.
- baseline_interval
A character value indicating the name of the interval used as the baseline. Defaults to "t0to5", but can be changed. Make sure that this matches the baseline interval that you set in
.- post_hormone_interval
A character value specifying the interval used for the data points after a hormone or protocol was applied.
- treatment_colour_theme
A dataframe containing treatment names and their associated colours as hex values. See sample_treatment_names_and_colours for an example of what this dataframe should look like.
- save_output_as_RDS
A character ("yes" or "no") describing if the resulting object should be saved as an RDS file in the raw data folder.
A dataframe containing all of the columns from
, but filtered to only include PPR values
between PPR_min
and PPR_max
within the baseline_interval
data = sample_raw_eEPSC_df,
include_all_treatments = "yes",
list_of_treatments = NULL,
PPR_min = 0,
PPR_max = 5,
baseline_interval = "t0to5",
post_hormone_interval = "t20to25",
treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours
#> # A tibble: 2,205 × 21
#> # Groups: letter [19]
#> letter synapses sex treatment time ID P1 P2 X Y age
#> <fct> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 AO Glutamate Male Control 0 23623002 17.4 78.4 NA NA 39
#> 2 AO Glutamate Male Control 0.08 23623002 24.1 58.9 NA NA 39
#> 3 AO Glutamate Male Control 0.17 23623002 35.6 60.0 NA NA 39
#> 4 AO Glutamate Male Control 0.25 23623002 15.8 32.3 NA NA 39
#> 5 AO Glutamate Male Control 0.33 23623002 53.9 26.4 NA NA 39
#> 6 AO Glutamate Male Control 0.42 23623002 45.5 74.8 NA NA 39
#> 7 AO Glutamate Male Control 0.5 23623002 28.1 69.6 NA NA 39
#> 8 AO Glutamate Male Control 0.58 23623002 27.8 62.0 NA NA 39
#> 9 AO Glutamate Male Control 0.67 23623002 60.0 52.7 NA NA 39
#> 10 AO Glutamate Male Control 0.75 23623002 46.9 60.3 NA NA 39
#> # ℹ 2,195 more rows
#> # ℹ 10 more variables: animal <dbl>, category <fct>, cell <chr>, PPR <dbl>,
#> # interval <fct>, baseline_range <lgl>, baseline_mean <dbl>,
#> # P1_transformed <dbl>, P2_transformed <dbl>, state <chr>