creates a categorical scatter plot with
experimental state (i.e. baseline/before and after) on the x-axis and the
paired-pulse ratio (PPR) on the y-axis. There are also lines connecting the
"before" data point to the "after" data point for each letter.
plot_treatment = "Control",
plot_category = 2,
baseline_label = "Baseline",
post_hormone_label = "Post-hormone",
large_axis_text = "no",
save_plot_png = "no"
- data
Paired pulse ratio data generated from
.- plot_treatment
A character value specifying the treatment you would like to plot (e.g. "Control").
represents antagonists that were present on the brain slice, or the animals were fasted, etc.- plot_category
A numeric value specifying the category, which can be used to differentiate different protocol types. In the sample dataset for this package,
plot_category == 2
represents experiments where insulin was applied continuously after a 5-minute baseline period.- baseline_label
A character value for the x-axis label applied to the pre-hormone state. Defaults to "Baseline".
- post_hormone_label
A character value for x-axis label applied to the post-hormone or post-protocol state. Defaults to "Post-hormone" but you will likely change this to the hormone or protocol name.
- large_axis_text
A character ("yes" or "no"). If "yes", a ggplot theme layer will be applied which increases the size of the axis text.
- treatment_colour_theme
A dataframe containing treatment names and their associated colours as hex values. See sample_treatment_names_and_colours for an example of what this dataframe should look like.
- theme_options
A dataframe containing theme options. See sample_theme_options for an example of what this dataframe should look like.
- save_plot_png
A character ("yes" or "no"). If "yes", the plot will be saved as a .png using ggsave. The filepath depends on the current type, but they will all go in subfolders below Figures/ in your project directory.
A ggplot object. If save_plot_png == "yes"
, it will also generate
a .png file in the folder Figures/Evoked-currents/PPR
relative to the
project directory. The treatment will be included in the filename.
The function will perform a paired wilcox test and add brackets with
significance stars through ggsignif::geom_signif()
See also
to plot changes in PPR for multiple treatments.
data = sample_PPR_df,
plot_treatment = "Control",
plot_category = 2,
baseline_label = "Baseline",
post_hormone_label = "Insulin",
large_axis_text = "no",
treatment_colour_theme = sample_treatment_names_and_colours,
theme_options = sample_theme_options,
save_plot_png = "no"
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_segment()`).