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This is an example of the dataframe of t-test results produced using perform_t_tests_for_summary_plot(). The dataframe can be used for further statistical analyses, and it also has specialized columns to add significance stars to the plot produced with plot_summary_current_data().


An .rda file containing 16 objects of 10 variables


A character value specifying the treatment applied (e.g. "Control", "HNMPA") such as the antagonists or agonists, or any protocol applied to the animals (e.g. "Fasting").


A character value describing the parameter compared with the t-test. In this case, this uses the mean normalized amplitude of the first evoked current ("mean_P1_transformed") which has been generated using make_summary_EPSC_data().


A character value describing the first group used in the paired t-test. This is the baseline interval, "t0to5".


A character value describing the second group used in the paired t-test. Examples include "t5to10" and "t10to15".


The number of paired values used in the comparison.


The test statistic.


The degrees of freedom.


The p-value expressed as a character value using lazyWeave::pvalString(), which rounds the values and expresses them according to typical published values (e.g. > 0.99, < 0.001 instead of exact values).


A character value containing asterisks indicating significance. p < 0.05 = *, p < 0.01 = **, and p < 0.001 = ***.


A numeric value indicating the time value where a significance star will be added. This is the midpoint of each interval. For example, the asterisk_time for an interval from 5 to 10 minutes will be 7.5 minutes.