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This is an example of the dataframe generated from evoked current summary data processed using the function make_variance_data(). It contains new columns for the mean variance-to-mean ratio (VMR) and mean inverse coefficient of variation squared for two time intervals. They are the baseline period ("t0to5"), and a time interval after a hormone or protocol has been applied (in this case, "t20to25"). It can be used for further analyses and also to make the variance comparison plots.


An .rda file containing 38 objects of 23 variables.


A character value describing if a data point belongs to the baseline interval ("Baseline") or an interval after a hormone or protocol has been applied ("Post-modification"). These intervals are selected from baseline_interval and post_hormone_interval.


The mean inverse coefficient of variation squared within a specific state.


The mean variance-to-mean ratio within a specific state.

category, letter, sex, treatment, etc.

Other columns which are imported directly from the summary data without modifications. For a detailed description of these columns, please see sample_summary_eEPSC_df.